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        2018/10-2019/10,加拿大University of Waterloo,访问学者。


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52072259,新型开关磁阻轮毂电机电磁耦合机制及回馈制动平顺性控制研究,2021/01-2024/12,在研,主持。

[2] 天津市高校“中青年骨干创新人才”培养计划,2018-2021,在研,主持。

[3] 国家重点研发计划,2016YFD07010002017/01-2020/12,在研,第二负责人。

[4] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,51505332,新型励磁模式开关磁阻轮毂电机优化设计及电回馈控制策略研究,2016/01-2018/12,结题,主持。

[5] 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划,15JCQNJC06900,新型励磁模式开关磁阻轮毂电机设计及无位置控制,2015/04-2018/3,结题,主持。

[6] 金沙青年教师创新基金,电动车用轮毂电机无位置控制策略研究,2014/09-2016/08,结题,主持。

[7] 教育部博士学科点专项科研基金,20122302120087,电动汽车用新型励磁模式磁阻电机及其驱动特性多指标同步优化研究,2012/122015/12,结题,主持。

[8] 中国博士后科学基金,2012M520589,电动汽车用开关磁阻电机驱动系统多指标同步优化策略,2012/062014/3,结题,主持。

[9] 天津市博士后创新项目择优资助计划,电动汽车用轮毂驱动电机关键技术研究,2013.32014.3,结题,主持。

[10] 企业委托科研项目,2022120021000731,基于工况的车辆仿真模型搭建与优化项目,2022.09-2023.09,在研,主持。


[1] C. Xing, Y. Zhu*, J. Wang, et al. Braking Torque Distribution Reconfiguration Strategy of Vehicle with Faults of In-wheel Motor Drive System. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 2024. 10.1109/TITS.2024.3398812

[2] C. Xing, Y. Zhu*, J. Wang, W. Wang, Y, Lin. Regenerative braking control strategy of vehicle with in-wheel motor drive system confronting converter fault. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2024.3375619.

[3] C. Xing, Y. Zhu*, J. Wang, Y, Lin. Fault-tolerance Control of In-wheel Switched Reluctance Motor Drive System for Vehicle under Regenerative Braking Condition. Journal of Power Electronics. 2024. (Accepted)

[4] C. Xing, Y. Zhu*, J. Wang, W. Wang. Vertical-longitudinal Comprehensive Control for Vehicle with In-wheel Motors Considering Energy Recovery and Vibration Mitigation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3343551..

[5] Zhu Y. *; Wei W.; Xing C.; Zhen C.; Song H.; Stability Control for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles Confronting Differences of Phase Angle between Coaxial Motors. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2023, 2023, 92: 261-277.

[6] C. Xing, Y. Zhu*, J. Wang, H. Wu, Y. Huang. Coordination control between vibration suppression and energy regeneration for vehicles driven by in-wheel motors under regenerative braking condition. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2023, DOI:10.1177/09544070231208161..

[7] C. Xing, Y. Zhu*, H. Wu. Electromechanical Coupling Braking Control Strategy Considering Vertical Vibration Suppression for Vehicles Driven by In-Wheel Motors. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2022, 27(6): 5701-5711.

[8] Y. Zhu*. The key technologies for powertrain system of intelligent vehicles based on switched reluctance motors. Springer. 2021.

[9] Yueying Zhu, Hao Wu, Chengcong Zhen. Regenerative braking control under sliding braking condition of electric vehicles with switched reluctance motor drive system, Energy, 2021, 230: 120901.

[10] Yueying Zhu, Chengwen Zhao, Liliang Yin, Hao Zhou, Chao Xing. A comparative study of switched reluctance motors with a single-phase and a novel Synchronous double-phase excitation mode, IET Electric Power Applications. 2021, 15(9): 1217-1231.

[11] Y. Zhu, H. Wu and J. Zhang. Regenerative Braking Control Strategy for Electric Vehicles Based on Optimization of Switched Reluctance Generator Drive System. IEEE Access. 2020, 76671-76682.

[12] Y. Zhu, Y. Jia and H. Wu. Modeling, Simulation and Experimental Verification of Four-Phase 8/6 Switched Reluctance Motor Considering Interactive Excitation. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 70411-70419, 2020.

[13] Yueying Zhu, Chengwen Zhao, Junxia Zhang, Zhaopeng Gong. Vibration Control for Electric Vehicles with In-Wheel Switched Reluctance Motor Drive System. IEEE Access. 2020, 8(1): 7205-7216.

[14] Yueying Zhu, Chuantian Yang, Yuan Yue, Weiyan Wei, Chengwen Zhao. Design and optimisation of an In-wheel Switched Reluctance Motor for Electric Vehicles. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 2019, 13(1): 175-182.

[15] Yueying Zhu, Chuantian Yang, Yuan Yue, Chengwen Zhao. Development and Analysis of a Two-Phase Excitation Switched Reluctance Motor with Novel Winding Distribution Used in Electric Vehicles. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology. 2018, 13(6): 2364-2375.

[16] Yueying Zhu, Weiyan Wei, Chuantian Yang, Yan Zhang. Multi-objective Optimisation Design of Two-Phase Excitation Switched Reluctance Motor for Electric Vehicles. IET Electric Power Applications. 2018, 12(7): 929-937.

[17] 宋虎翼,朱曰莹*,幸超,何扬. 四轮独立驱动电动汽车直线行驶稳定性转矩协调控制. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2022,26(5):36-44.

[18] 朱曰莹, 杨传甜, 赵桂范, 王大方. 电动车用开关磁阻电机驱动系统多指标同步优化. 电机与控制学报. 2018, 22(10): 25-34.

[19] 朱曰莹, 杨传甜, 徐海港. 电动车用开关磁阻电机驱动系统转矩脉动优化设计. 微电机. 2017, 20(8): 25-34.

[20] 朱曰莹, 赵成文, 刘成强. 两相同步对称励磁模式开关磁阻电机的电感特性. 金沙学报. 2019, 34(3): 60-67.

[21] 朱曰莹,赵桂范,龚进峰,王大方. 新型两相同步对称励磁模式开关磁阻电机及其转矩特性分析. 电工技术学报. 2014,29(3): 143-149.

[22] 朱曰莹,赵桂范,杨娜,王大方. 电动汽车动力系统参数匹配及优化. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2013,45(7): 90-95.

[23] 朱曰莹,王子龙,韩光省,赵桂范,杨娜. 基于循环工况的电动汽车传动系参数正交优化设计. 中南大学学报(自然科学版). 2013,44(s2): 216-221.

[24] 朱曰莹,赵桂范,杨娜. 电动汽车用开关磁阻电机驱动系统设计及优化,电工技术学报,2014,29(11):88-98.

[25] Zhu Yueying,Zhao Guifan,Wang Dafang,Liu Shiqiang,Design and Two-Objective Simultaneous Optimization of Torque Controller for Switched Reluctance Motor in Electric Vehicle,Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2011,18(6):79-85.

[26] 朱曰莹,赵桂范,韩光省,杨娜,唐骏,基于车辆动态负载的开关磁阻电机驱动特性分析,东南大学学报(自然科学版),2013,43(s1):72-76.

[27] 朱曰莹,王大方,赵桂范,辛明,电动汽车用开关磁阻电机转矩控制器设计与优化,电机与控制学报,2010,14(2):47-59.

[28] Yueying Zhu, Chuantian Yang, Yan Zhang. A Novel Two-phase Excitation Switched Reluctance Motor with Symmetrical Winding Distribution. IEEE International Magnetics Conference. 2018.4.23-2018.4.27, Singapore.

[29] Yueying Zhu, Chuantian Yang, Chengwen Zhao. Multi-Objective Optimization of Switched Reluctance Generator for Electric Vehicles. IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems. 2018.10.7-2018.10.10, Korea.

[30] Zhu Yueying,Mou Jiangfeng,Modeling and performance analysis of switched reluctance motor in electric vehicles,2013 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics, ICMAM 2013.

[31] Zhu Yueying,Zhao Guifan,Wang Youshan,Yin Liliang,Simulation on Driving Performance of the Vehicle Based on Modeling Tire,2011 International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, ICMMME 2011,373-377.

[32] Zhu Yueying,Wang Dafang,Zhao Guifan,Yang Dongyu,Wang Yu,Design optimization of switched reluctance motor torque controller in electric vehicles,The 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics.


[1] 朱曰莹; 曹旭, 基于互感特性两相同步励磁开关磁阻电机控制方法及系统, 已授权, ZL201710917845.0

[2] 朱曰莹; 魏炜艳; 曹旭, 一种外转子开关磁阻电机多指标同步优化方法及系统, 已授权, ZL201710919795.X

[3] 朱曰莹,甄成聪. 一种分布式驱动电动汽车电机相位控制系统及方法, 发明专利,已授权, ZL 2020 1 0577158.0

[4] 朱曰莹,吴浩. 基于四相电流和电压的开关磁阻电机制动转矩控制方法, 发明专利, 已授权, ZL 2020 1 0629471.4

[5] 朱曰莹, 张美威. 一种提高开关磁阻电机散热性能的散热槽. 已授权, 202022824315.1

[6] 朱曰莹, 樊志强. 容量修正安时积分法估算单体电池SOC监控软件V1.0. 已授权, 2020SR1713463


[1] 天津市特聘教授青年学者 (2019年度)

[2] 天津市131创新型人才(2016年)。

[3] 金沙优秀共产党员(2016年)。

[4] 天津市优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,(2021年)。

[5] 金沙“良师益友—我心目中的最好导师”(2021年)。

[6] 指导全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛获国家级三等奖(2021年)。

[7] 指导天津市研究生科研创新项目3项(2020年、2021年)。

[8] 指导国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目1项(2017年)。

[9] 指导硕士研究生获得天津市优秀专业硕士学位论文(2020年、2022年)。


